In reading Fred Brooks' seminal The Mythical Man Month, I found myself intrigued by his description of the "surgical team" programming group in chapter 3. Especially when he argues:
"Managers need to be sent to technical refresher courses, senior technical people to management training...Whenever talents permit, senior people must be kept technically and emotionally ready to manage groups or delight in building programs with their own hands...The whole notion of organizing surgical-type programming teams is a radical attack on this problem. It has the effect of making a senior man feel that he does not demean himself when he builds programs, and it attempts to remove the social obstacles that deprive him of that creative joy. Furthermore, that structure is designed to minimize the number of interfaces...It is really the long-run answer to the problem of flexible organization." (120)
This post does a pretty good job summarizing, though I think its conclusions are too strong. My response is:
I am reading The Mythical Man Month now, and was curious as to whether this approach has been successfully studied in the academic literature. Aside from Brooks' book, no Google Scholar papers seem to try it, which I find interesting.
I agree with you that, since 1972, many of these roles have been automated...but I think you may be quickly dismissing a few of them.
In every modern programming language (Python, Groovy, Ruby, C#, and yes, even Java and C++) there are idiomatic ways of writing certain snippets of code, and ways that work but are "sub-optimal."
For example, many modern techniques using LINQ in .NET can turn 10 line filter a list loops into one-liners. Under the assumption that fewer readable lines of code for the same functionality = greater maintainability, these optimizations would be well to strive for. Hence, a "language lawyer", i.e. That Guy That Knows the Language Inside-Out, may be useful.
I think, when it comes to tools, you're thinking of IDEs, etc. We have seen a dramatic rise of those. But most programming teams still have specialized libraries that are developed internally and used from project to project. For example, that one Active Directory security library that is written once and reused from project to project. I think this is more of what the Toolsmith is supposed to do, in terms of
"building specialized programming tools."For example, in many modern projects I have the arduous task of migrating data from one system to another. This often involves developing a mediator schema or some type of transform. I know the right thing to do is to build a script, just in case I have to repeat the process or add some more data later. But if I'm focusing on Building Shiny New System X, the time I take to write a program to go from Old Piece of Crap Y to X is time taken away from polishing X. That's what a toolsmith would be for.
As for administrators, editors, and secretaries, I'm reminded of Joel Spolsky's work on the Development Abstraction Layer. I think such roles are important, for exactly the reasons he described.
Chief Programmer/co-pilot sounds very much like modern XP Pair Programming, with a very clear Sr/Jr relationship. While TDD/BDD may have them writing their own tests, one can argue that a Tester would still be beneficial for functional testing, and writing al that "glue code" to make testing easier (mock objects, dummy records, etc etc).
I guess my point is, while automation is definitely compelling, don't be so quick to dismiss his ideas. I find myself very surprised that this organizational strategy hasn't been put more to the test.
I would agree that program clerk is a relic of the date of publication, easily replaced by source control.
I find it curious that Brooks' assertions don't seem to have been put to the test in the literature since 1972. I wonder if any case studies have been done regarding this approach?
Also, regarding my assertion that "the assumption that fewer readable lines of code for the same functionality = greater maintainability", I remember studying metrics in Software Project, Process, and Quality Management at Arizona State University...but I don't ever remember running into a heuristic such as this.
Intuitively, it makes sense. A caveat must be made for Perl, of course, which can have one obnoxious line that does everything but is impossible to understand, hence why I included "readable" in the assertion. I wonder if something similar exists in the literature?
If not, it'd be fun to make this Vaidyanathan's Law. (Not to mention deliciously ironic, as I'm all about prolix tautology whereas the law argues for brevity! >:D)